およそ半年間の特訓を積んだハリー君の占い的中率は、66%だということで、日本の金メダルに、期待がさらに高まる。(2014年2月4日掲載 FNNニュース「ソチ五輪 占いカワウソの「ハリー」君、日本選手の金メダル予想」より)
“ソチ五輪 占いカワウソの「ハリー」君、日本選手の金メダル予想 (2014/2/4)” への4457件のコメント
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤リール(⭐クワドゴッド❤⭐ユマチ❤⭐シュンクン❤)✨ヒョウショウシキ☘ビディオ)❤Ever wondered what ❤the ✨Victory Ceremony✨ looks like through ❤the eyes of ❤the ⭐Quadgod❤? ❤Step onto the ice with ⭐Ilia Malinin❤ for an inside view of ❤the ✨celebration—because winning looks just as cool as landing quads✨☘❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin❤IG☘(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)☘collab post(❄isufigureskating☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(✨⭐スターズ☘ポスト❤オシャシン)❤Happy Birthday☀☘ ⭐Katarina Witt❤☘❣※ (❄#SOIFamily❤※) (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤オメデト)❤Best wishes ❤on ⭐your birthday☀☘❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄SOI X☘(❄@starsonice⛸️)❄#SOIFamily❣ ❤Her birthday☀ is on December 3☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❄アイエスユー✨アーティクル☘エン(❤⭐ハーゼサンボロディンサングミ⭐❤⭐ミウラサンキハラサングミ⭐❤⭐メテルキナサンブル-ラバサングミ⭐❤)☘オシャシン)⭐Minerva Hase❤/⭐Nikita Volodin❤ (❄GER) ✨Defend ❄ISU ❄Grand Prix Final Pairs❄ Title✨ ❤In ❄Grenoble⛸️☘❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄ISU WS☘(❄isu-skating.com⛸️☘)☘NEWS☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤ワクワク)It’s the day2 today❤
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❄ティーエスエル❤ディスエンダッ☘ユーテューブ⭐レビュー)❤This and That☘: ❤2024 ❄ISU ❄Grand Prix Final⛸️☘ (❤with ⭐Jonathan Beyer❤ and ⭐Dave Lease❤)❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤リール(⭐クワッゴッ❤⭐エンバー❤⭐チョッベィ⭐❤⭐ヘイスボーリディ⭐❤)✨オシャシン)⭐Ilia Malinin❤’s ✨beautiful quad axel✨ increased ❤⭐his short program lead, as he defended his ❄#GPFigure Final title✨❤※ ❤With ⭐Amber Glenn❤’s dazzling first ❄#GPFinal⛸️☘ appearance, also being her first ❄#GPFigure gold✨❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
❄Ice Dance – ❤⭐Chock / Bates⭐❤※☄✨
❄Pairs – ❤⭐Hase / Volodin⭐❤※☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin IG❤(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)☘collab post(❄olympics☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤リール(⭐クワッゴーッ❤)☘ティーザーオブヒズ☘イナビュー☘エン✨ヒョウショウシキ☘ビディオ)⭐Ilia Malinin❤ is ☘redefining ❤the ✨boundaries of #FigureSkating✨⛸️☘ — ✨combining jaw-dropping quads✨ ❤with ✨unparalleled artistry and creativity✨❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin IG❤(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)☄✨
☘collab post(❄isufigureskating☘)❄#GPFigure☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐リオクン❤)☘キスクラ✨ヒョウショウシキ✨クリムキンイーグル☘エン❤オウエン☘オシャシン)❤Thank you for ❤your support at ❤the ❄Junior Grand Prix Final⛸️☘❣※ ❤It was not the result ❤I was aiming for, but ❤I will use this frustrating experience for ❤my next competition⛸️☘※ Thank you so much※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Rio NAKATA IG❤(⭐rionakata0908❤⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐マオサマ❤)✨ヒョウショウシキ☘エン☘アナダー✨オシャシン)❤Thank you so much for ❤your support in ❄JGP Final❄⛸️☘❣※ ❤I made a mistake in FS❄, but ❤I’m so happy to ✨win this big competition for 3 years in a row✨※ ❤I have only a few more days until ❄All-Japan⛸️☘, so ❤I’ll do my best to be myself in both ❄SP and FS❄‼※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤オメデト)❤Congratulations on ✨winning, ⭐maoshimada1030‼❤❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Mao SHIMADA IG❤(⭐maoshimada1030❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐カオチャン❤)✨ヒョウショウシキ☘エン☘アナダー✨オシャシン)❤Thank you for ❤your support at ❄JGP Final※ ❤It was my first time to compete in ❄JGP Final, and ❤I was very anxious, but ❤I was able to enjoy skating both ❄SP and FS❄❣※ ❤I was so encouraged by the cheers and applause at the venue❣※ And ❤I’m so happy that 3 Japanese skaters⭐⭐⭐ were able to sweep the podium✨※ ❤I have only a few more days left until ❄All-Japan, but ❤I found some new issues this time, so ❤I’ll do my best to show you my best performance at ❄All-Japan⛸️☘❣※(❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤オメデト)❤Congratulations on ✨winning, ⭐kaoruko.wada❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Kaoruko Wada IG❤(⭐kaoruko.wada❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(✨⭐スターズ☘ポスト❤オシャシン)❤Happy Birthday☀☘ ⭐@kaetlyn_23❤☘❣※ (❄#SOIFamily❤※) (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤オメデト)❤Best wishes ❤on ⭐your birthday☀☘❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄SOI X☘(❄@starsonice⛸️)❄#SOIFamily❣ ❤Her birthday☀ is on December 5☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(⭐モネチャン❤イナビュー☘ビディオ)⭐Momone Chiba❤, ☘the ❄figure skater⛸️☘ who was ❤born and raised❤ in ❄Sendai, ✨won ❤the ✨silver medal✨ at ❤the ❄GP⛸️☘※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄Tohoku Broadcasting Co., Ltd.☘(❄@tbc1260_official⛸️☘)✨☘Y2B(✨YouTube)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ユヅ❤)☘オシャシン)❤The “❄Echoes of Life” show⛸️☘ in ❄Saitama, Japan has ended❣※ ❤See you next time☘ ❤at ❄Hiroshima Green Arena on January 3☘❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄echoesoflife_jp IG❤(❄#Echoes⛸️☘ ⭐#YuzuruHanyu❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤リール(⭐クワッグァーッ❤)✨オシャシン☘エン❤メッセージ)❤Hey ⭐@ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤, you dropped this❣※ ⭐Ilia Malinin❤ became ❤the ✨FIRST SKATER EVER✨ ✨to attempt seven quadruple jumps✨, ✨including each of the six quad jumps in one program✨ en route to ❄#GPFigure Final gold✨‼※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(✨世界史上初挑戦✨オメデト❤)❤Congratulations on ❤the ✨FIRST SKATER EVER✨❣
(❤カッコイイー)❤You are so cool❣ ⭐quadg0000d❤‼‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin IG❤(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)❤collab post(❄usfigureskating❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(❄スターズオンアイスキャナダ❄アンナイ☘エン⭐ザキングエルビス❤オシャシン))☘ROCK ❄STARS ON ICE⛸️☘ WITH ⭐ELVIS STOJKO❤ AND ❤MORE❣※ ❄starsonice.ca❄‼※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Satoko Miyahara IG❤(⭐55satoko❤)❄@starsonice⛸️☘☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(✨ストーリーズ(⭐クワッグァーッ❤)✨新しいスケート靴✨⛸️☘エン✨金色ブレード✨⛸️☘)❤Thank you @risportskates⛸️☘ and @johnwilsonblades⛸️☘ for ❤my new skates‼⛸️☘❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤カッコイイー)❤This is really cool❣ ⭐quadg0000d❤‼‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin IG❤(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ミーシャ❤)❄ファイナル❄シアイ☘エン❄エキシ❤オシャシン)❤It was incredible for me to perform at the ❄Grand Prix Final⛸️☘, ❤I never thought that ❤I could be among the best skaters in the world, because ❤I am an ordinary boy who started skating on a small ice rink❄ in the mall in ❄Almaty❣※ ❤Thank you very much to everyone who attended the competition, who was in front of TV and shared this half of the season with me❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ミーシャ❤パンダ❤カワイイー)❤That’s so adorable❣⭐Misha❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Mikhail Shaidorov IG❤(⭐mikhail_shaidorov❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(❤✨千葉公演詳細チケット情報発表✨❤))⭐Yuzuru Hanyu❤ ICE STORY 3rd “❄Echoes of Life” TOUR -Chiba performance ❄LaLa arena TOKYO-BAY Friday, February 7 / Sunday, February 9, 2025 ❤For more information, please check the official website❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤ワクワク)❤I’m excited about it❤
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄echoesoflife_jp IG❤(❄#Echoes⛸️☘ ⭐#YuzuruHanyu❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(⭐かおちゃん❤)❤✨素敵なお花とプレゼント✨❤✨オシャシン)❤Thank you for ☘❤the ✨beautiful flowers✨❤☘ and ❤Thank you also for ❤the ✨nice gift✨❤※(❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤お花❤綺麗ー❣☘)❤What a stunning flower❤☘‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Kaoruko Wada IG❤(⭐kaoruko.wada❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(⭐サットン❤)❄エスオーアイキャナダ✨スプリットジャンプ✨オシャシン)⭐55satoko❤ ❄@sofmcvic❄,starsonice⛸️☘ and ⭐kevrlight❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Satoko Miyahara IG❤(⭐55satoko❤)❄@starsonice⛸️☘☄✨
❤こばしゅん(❤小林 隼くん)gamba❤
❤愛実ちゃん(❤Aimi Kobayashi)アンコール✨遺作✨キター❤
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
❤愛実ちゃん(❤Aimi Kobayashi)今日(時間では昨日)お衣装❤ゆづのエコーズとおなじで✨白✨でーす❤
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(❤カワイイ❤サンタサンタチ☘オシャシン))❤YOU,❤ZAT ❤YOU,⭐SANTA CLAUS❤☘※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤カワイイー)❤That’s so adorable❣⭐55satoko❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Satoko Miyahara IG❤(⭐55satoko❤)❄@starsonice⛸️☘☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐キーグ❤⭐アポジユ❤⭐グレイシィー❤⭐ナムナム❤)☘オシャシン)❤There’s no place like ❄Kamloops for the holidays‼※ ❤It’s been ✨25 years✨❣※ ❤So nice to be back‼ ❄#SOIHoliday2024⛸️☘❣※ ⭐@sk8erkeeg❤ ⭐@apoje❤ ⭐@graciegold95❤ ⭐@namnamnoodle❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤カッコイイー)❤That’s so cool❣⭐@sk8erkeeg❤ ⭐@apoje❤ ⭐@graciegold95❤ ⭐@namnamnoodle❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
❄Holiday Season Competition ⛸️☘※a☄✨
❄German Figure Skating Championships⛸️☘※b☄✨
❄JSF CHAMPIONSHIPS FIGURE SKATING⛸️☘※e will be held this week❣ 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐モネチャン❤オウエン)❤(Gooo) ⭐Mone-chan❤(⭐Mone CHIBA❤)※ Gamba❣
(❄Sendai(☘Irene) ➡ ❄Kyoto(☘Kinoshita acad) Aces⭐✨)
(☘シユッテン)❤src※: a.❄USFS, b.❄DEU, c.❄FFSG, d.❄FISG, e.❄JSF WS✨ ※US,DE,FR,IT,JP Events⛸️☘☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ジェイスン❤)☘オシャシン)❤Happy Birthday☀☘ ⭐@jasonbskates❤‼☘※ ❄#SOIFamily☘※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ジェイスンビィ❤オメデト)❤Best wishes ☘on ❤your birthday☀❣ ⭐@jasonbskates❤‼☘
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄@starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
❤His birthday☀ is on December 15☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐キーグ❤⭐ケイトゥッーシュ❤⭐アポジェ❤⭐エルビス❤⭐エラディー❤⭐サットン❤⭐ケイトゥーキッース❤⭐ジェレミー❤⭐グレイスィー❤⭐ナムナム❤)☘ビディオ)❤This ❄#WorldIceSkatingDay⛸️☘ take a ✨flip-trip✨ with ⭐Keegan Messing❤ and ❤the ☘cast of ❄#SOIHoliday2024⛸️☘‼※ ❄#WorldIceSkatingDay2024⛸️☘ ❄#WISD2024⛸️☘❣※ ⭐@sk8erkeeg❤ ⭐@ka2sh❤ ⭐@apoje❤ ⭐@elvistojko❤ ⭐@elladjbalde❤ ⭐@55satoko❤ ⭐@kaetkiss❤ ⭐@idreamofjeremy❤ ⭐@graciegold95❤ ⭐@namnamnoodle❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤オメデト)❤Happy ❄#WorldIceSkatingDay⛸️☘❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄@starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ネルスン❤⭐エラディー❤)☘オシャシン)⭐Elladj❤ X☘ ⭐Nelson❤ X☘❣※ ❤At ❄Co-op Place⛸️☘ in ❄Medicine Hat tonight‼※ ❄#SOIHoliday2024⛸️☘ ❄@coopplacemh⛸️☘ ⭐@elladjbalde❤※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ネルスン❤カワイイー)❤That’s so adorable❣⭐Nelson❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄@starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(❤カワイイ❤クリスマスのお花☘オシャシン))❤Thank you for ❤the lovely ✨Christmas flowers✨☘‼※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤カワイイー)❤This is a ✨breath-taking flower✨, ⭐maoshimada1030‼❤❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Mao SHIMADA IG❤(⭐maoshimada1030❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❄アイエスユー☘コム)❄ISU ☘Communication 2675✨※ (❤2025 ❄ISU PAIR SKATING SEMINAR⛸️☘※) (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄ISU WS(❄Inside ISU✨)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(✨ヤッター5回転トーループ✨))❤Happy World Ice Skating Day‼ Here is a throwback from way back‼ ✨5T✨‼※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤ゆづ世界最強最高❤)✨G.O.A.T✨, ⭐Yuzuru Hanyu❤‼❤
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Geoff Dionisio IG❤(⭐geoff_dionisio❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❄アイエスユー☘カム)❄ISU ☘Communication 2676✨※ (❄Figure Skating Seminars☘ – ❤Application to hold ❄ISU Seminars for ❄Single & Pair Skating⛸️☘ / ❄Ice Dance⛸️☘ / ❄Synchronized Skating⛸️☘ ✨⭐Referees and Judges⭐✨ in 2024/25 hosted by ❄ISU Members❄☘❣※) (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄ISU WS☘(❄Inside ISU✨)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(❄スイス❄アイスショー❄ラポンティソッシ⛸️☘アンナイ☘オシャシン))❤CHECK THIS OUT❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤ワクワク)❤I’ve been looking forward to this show❣⭐55satoko❤‼
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Satoko Miyahara IG❤(⭐55satoko❤) ❄#lapprentisorcier⛸️☘☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(⭐ゆづ❤グレイトフロー4T✨(✨ハイアール CM「自分VS自分」篇(60秒)✨ユーテューブ))❤Haier commercial “❤Myself VS ❤Myself” (✨60 seconds✨)※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄@ハイアール日本地域☘(❄haier.co.jp⛸️☘)✨☘Y2B(✨YouTube) #⭐Yuzuru Hanyu❤☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘ストーリーズ(⭐クワッグァーッ❤)⭐ショマ❤にお誕生祝い☘と✨ハッピーバースデイ変奏曲✨)❤Happy Birthday☘, ⭐Shoma❤‼❣※ (❤I dedicate this song)✨“Angèle Dubeau la pietà”✨(to you❤)※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ショマ❤オメデト)❤Best wishes ☘on ❤your birthday☀❣⭐Shoma Uno❤‼❣
(❤His birthday☀ is ☘on December 17, In USA Today is December 17th☘☄✨)
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:⭐Ilia Malinin IG❤(⭐ilia_quadg0d_malinin❤)☘(⭐ケイショウ,リャク❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❄ティーエスエル❤ディスエンダッ☘ユーテューブ)❤This and That☘:❤with ⭐Maya Bagriantseva❤ (and ⭐Dave Lease❤)❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ケイトゥシュ❤)☘クリスマスムービー)⭐Kaitlyn Weaver❤ is ✨living our ☘Christmas movie dreams‼❣※ ❤Thank you ⭐@ka2sh❤ for ❤bringing ❄#SOIHoliday2024⛸️☘ to ☘life‼❣※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ケイトゥシュ❤アリガトー)❤TY(❤Thank you),⭐@ka2sh❤‼❣
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄@starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(☘リール(⭐ブライアン❤)✨オシャシン)❤Happy Birthday☀☘ ⭐@brianorser❤‼☘※ ❄#SOIFamily☘※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(⭐ブライアン❤オメデトー)❤Best wishes ☘on ❤your birthday☀❣⭐@brianorser❤‼☘
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄✨⭐Stars on Ice IG❤(❄@starsonice⛸️☘)☄✨
(❤His birthday☀ is ☘on December 18, In ❄CAN Today is December 18th☘☄✨)
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(⭐ゆづ❤エクセレントハイ,レングス,フロー4T✨(✨ハイアール・アクア CMメイキング動画✨(✨Wブランド篇✨))✨ユーテューブ)✨Haier and Aqua✨ ✨Commercial Making Movie✨(✨W Brand Arc✨)※ (❤キター) 🙂 ☄✨❄❤❄ 🙂 ☄✨
(☘シュッテン)❤src※:❄@ハイアール日本地域☘ユーテューブ☘(⭐#Yuzuru Hanyu❤)☄✨
(❤ヤッホー)Hey guys⛸️☘(ミンナ❤オウエン)❤Everyone is a shining ❄star⭐✨ the one and only☄✨
(❤あと3時間で(❄全日本フィギュア⛸️☘開会式・滑走順抽選)✨ユーテューブ) ❄JSF CHAMPIONSHIPS FIGURE SKATING⛸️☘ ✨Opening Ceremony✨ and ☘Drawing of Starting Order☘ (❤始まりまーす)
(❤ワクワクー)❤I’m excited about it‼❤
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